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全部雜誌1年10期月刊 + 1期特別版 ( 除加拿大雜誌 及Bayard Readers ) | 本港包郵 | WHATSPP: (852) 37538400
全部雜誌1年10期月刊 + 1期特別版 ( 除加拿大雜誌 及Bayard Readers ) | 本港包郵 | WHATSPP: (852) 37538400

(只限訂閱兩套全年雜誌) 自選訂閱禮物 Pick your gift ( 30/1 至26/2)

Original price HK$690.00
Current price HK$0.00



【Each order with 2 sets of full year subscription is eligible for one giftPlease choose a gift if you subscribe any 2 full-year magazine subscription from  30 Jan to 26 Feb 2024.

( Customers who did not follow the rules i.e. did not add any gifts to the cart or add more than one gift with the magazines subscription, Bayard will have no choice but to randomly select one gift for you.  For those who have not had a full year subscription in their order but selected a subscription gift, the gift will be automatically removed) 

